Most fires in the home can be prevented by taking some basic and common sense precautions.

  • The easiest way to protect your home and family from fire is with a working smoke alarm.
  • Fit smoke alarms on every level of your home.
  • Have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
  • Put a fire blanket at an easy to reach location.

Did You Know…?

  • You’re four times more likely to die in a fire if you don’t have a smoke alarm that works.
  • 56 people die each year because their smoke alarm is not working.
  • 21 people die each year because the battery in their smoke alarm was flat or missing at the time of the fire.
  • Every 5 days someone dies from a fire started by a cigarette.


  • Broken electrics start about 6,000 fires a year.
  • Three fires a day are started by candles.
  • Faulty electrics (appliances, wiring and overloaded sockets) cause around 6,000 fires in the home every year.
  • *Figures from